Thursday, April 30, 2009

7 Things About Me

1) I LOVE HALLOWEEN! It's my favorite holiday! I went to a strict Christian school who thought it was satan's holiday. So we couldn't dress up or mention it. That sucked. I'm so glad I'm out of that now though so I can party like a rockstar on Halloween! I mean, it's the most giving holiday of the year! You go up to complete stranger's houses and they give you treats! I swear that if I could, I'd still Trick r Treat, but there are just soooooo many uptight people out there who don't want to give candy to 20 year old. Booo to them! I should so egg there houses, but I'm not mean like that.

2) I collect unusual things. I might have to make another post to cover everything I collect. I collect tons of stuff. Cupcake toppers, rocks, dolls, witches, angels, old books, clocks, porcelain figures, Little People, Playmobil figures, coins, bottles, vintage magazines, rings, stuffed animals, rag dolls, German blown glass ornaments, nutcrackers, "Passions" memorabilia... the list just goes on and on!

3) I love snow! I think its so magical! One day it snowed while I was in high school. They closed down school(While we were still there) so parents could get to us and pick us up quickly before the roads got too bad. I just sat and watched it snow. The bullies at school made fun of me, but I ignored them, I didn't care, the snow was so beautiful.

4) I don't judge people. I might disagree with certain opinions, but I never judge anyone. I don't fell like it's my place. Who am I to judge someone else? I think fear of judgement holds people back tremendously. People won't talk about their feelings because they're afraid of being judged, I think keeping stuff inside can do more harm than good(On some occasions.). I never want my friends or family to feel like they're being judged by me. I want them to feel like they can talk to me about anything.

5) I'm messed up. I have issues, but who doesn't? I don't want to be a burden on ANYONE! That's one of my major deals. I don't want to make anyone feel like they need to do something for me or feel obligated.

6) Friends! I love friends! And not just the TV show(Although I do love that TV show!). I like to hang out with my friends, go out or stay in, it doesn't matter. I love being with friends. One of my favorite things to do is hang out in the student lounge and watch my friends play video games! Especially Reg! He kicks every one's butt constantly! I have awesome friends, friends whom I would bend over backwards for.

7) I really like smelling good. I mean, who doesn't? But when I smell good, and I know I smell good, it makes me feel happy! I'm so paranoid that I smell, even though I take a shower twice a day and moisturize. I also have colognes that I use. And I love gum, because breath is another thing I make sure of! I'd rather someone tell me my breath stinks than just grin and bare it, you know what I mean? If one of my friend's breath stinks I offer them some gum, and of course they'll take it, but I don't want them to be embarrassed.

That's it for now!
Luv ya!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Horrorfest '09

Yes I know they already came out, and that they've been out for a while, this year I don't think I'll even bother watching all the Horrorfest movies, because the one's I've seen so far have just been so so. It seems that the one's this year have been better acted.... to some extent. I'll give you the highs and lows of the ones I've seen so far.

The Broken
Lena Headley in 'The Broken'

A lovely and talented actress by the name of Lena Headley stars in this, she's without a doubt the highlight of the film.
While the movie's originality leaves something to be desired, the color scheme and the erie feeling which engulfs the movie is really something to see. The actors were actually good, which is something I wasn't expecting, but the tired story and predictable ending were not. While there is enough chilling scenes to give this a 'horror movie' label, it's nothing thats going to terrify you or even remotely scare you, however, it is the best After Dark Horrorfest film I've seen this year. If you're curious, by all means, go rent it and enjoy, but be advised that this movie is more of a thriller than a horror film. The movie takes place in London and involves a young woman who's life is turned upside down after she sees someone that looks exactly like her on the streets. It's after this she notices a change in her fiancee's personality and things go down hill from there. Flashbacks the character has throughout the movie clue you in on whats actually going on, but by the time the movie is half over you'll have everything figured out. The ending never gives you answers, or reasons for whats happening, but it's EXTREMELY clear. This is a storyline we've all seen before.

From Within
Thomas Dekker and Kelly Blatz face off in "From Within."

After watching this film, I think it's safe to say that this is just a low budget version of 'Twilight', but instead of vampires we have witches, and instead of a love story, we have a tragedy. The movie revolves around a small town who have become extremely self righteous, even though they are doing the things they preach against(For example, the mother scolds her daughter because she thinks she's having unbridled sex, yet her boyfriend is upstairs in her bedroom waiting on her.).

After the apparent suicide of a teenage girl, more and more people begin committing suicide until the town is in a massive state of panic. There blame soon turns to a young boy, assumed to be a witch. As this twisted tale unfolds, you learn the dark secrets of the town and the people.

This movie actually kept me on edge, and the plot seems somewhat original, but it has very familiar images of other horror films. There are some parts that scared me, but the entire movie made me feel wrong. This movie doesn't leave you with a good feeling. Usually I don't ever give the content of horror movie a second thought, but this one stuck with me for a little while. If you are going to rent any of the Horrorfest movies, this is definately the one to rent.

Dying Breed
Mirrah Foulkes and Leigh Whannell in "Dying Breed"
Not a bad movie... it's just... one of those unforgettable ones. The movie is based on the legend of the Pieman, who would supposedly kill people and eat them. From what I've read about him, he seems to be blown way out of proportion. The acting is good, and you did(somewhat)care what happened to these characters. What started out to be a promising film, ended somewhat mundane, but creepy. The movie is about a woman who takes a team to Tasmania to research a rare tiger, thought to be extinct. We soon learn that her sister had been on the same expedition years ago, but had disappeared(We see where this story is going.). Eventually they all end up running through a forrest scared out of their minds, just like you'd expect. The movie, like I said was okay, but it's just noting special. The movie is creepy and the cosmetic work is okay. I'll watch this movie again if they put it on the SciFi channel and there's absolutely nothing else on, but thats the only way I can see myself sitting through it again.

Perkins' 14
Michale Graves gets owned in "Perkins' 14"

This movie had soooooo much potential! The storyline was original and the creep factor was off the charts! I honestly think is was the casting and screenwriting that blew this movie's chances.

In this movie we follow a small town cop named Dwayne who's life has fallen a part after a string of 14 kidnappings that had taken place 10 years before, his son being one of the victims. Now his teenage daughter has distanced herself from him and his wife is seeing another man. On the aniversary of his son's disappearance, a man named Ronald Perkins crosses Dwayne's path. Soon he realizes that this is tha man responsible for the kidnappings 10 years before. When Dwayne sets out to investigate he finds that Perkins has not only kidnapped these children, but has brainwashed them, making them evil killing machines. Soon the entire town is under attack and Dwayne's family must come together to face the terror.

The movie is not as good as I just made it out to be in the paragraph above. The actors had no chemistry with each other at all! The people who play Dwayne and his wife are just completely out of touch with one another and he can't pull off the small town cop look. Then theres the zombified children who Perkins created, the make up made them look frightening but we didn't get to see enough attacks. Despite the wonderful storyline, the script and the cast just didn't measure up. I hope they are able to remake this with better actors and better screenwriters.


Jessica Lowndes wishing for painkillers in "Autopsy."

I'm not sure what to say about this movie. I honestly just... don't. It was sooooo wrong! EXTREMELY wrong! Not scary at all, just incredibly disgusting and... WRONG! Some of the crazy stuff they do in this film is amazing, stuff I've never seen in a horror film before. I'm not even going to start to describe it because it gives me chills just thinking about it! LOL! I'm serious! This is an awesome gore fest, but when it comes to scares, it lacks.

Basically it's about a group of friends who travel down to Louisiana for Mardi Gras, only to hit a suppossed mental patient with their car while traveling on a country road. They call the local hospital, where the man escaped from, and go to get checked out themselves. Soon they realize that this hospital is incredibly wrong on sooooo many levels!

This movie is great! At first you think it's going to be a typical "I Know What You Did Last Summer" meets "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"(The one with Jessica Alba.). This movie is so much more original than that and a lot more disturbing! If you have a weak stomach do not watch this! One scene made my head spin, it was so gross! There is no twist in the end, you pretty much get whats going on midway through. The acting is really good too, especially the big nurse! She rocks my world! The doctor plays the typical psycho, but it's Jessica Lowndes' performace that carries the movie. She's very pretty and she has talent to back it up. Ross McCall plays an awesome part as the typical crack head of the group who's a sucker for illegal drugs. The pnly things I want to pick on is the make up department! I wish they would have covered up Jessica Lowndes' under eye bags! They distracted me at some points in the film. Then there was the excess of guts and gore, it was almost like watching some kids in one of those haunted houses people put up around Halloween. Besides that, the movie was great and I highly recommend for gore hounds.

Amy Shiels crawling around with the pigs in "Slaughter"

Ummm... okay. What did I just watch? This movie is so incredibly sloooooow! I almost fell asleep. I thought the movie had been on for an hour when it had only been 30 minutes!

The movie is about a woman named Faith(Amy Shiels) who moves to Atlanta to get away
from her psychodic ex boyfriend. She lives in absolute fear until she meets a party girl named Lola(Lucy Holt) in a bar and becomes fast friends with her. She eventually moves in with Lola only to find that her family is extremely odd, oh and they run a slaughter house. After Lola's dates begin to disappear, Faith investigates, only to discover the truth behind the slaughter house.

It takes forever for the climax to finally happen and when it does, it's INSANE! You think it's over then this other crazy thing happens, then something else happens, it's the most boring roller coaster ever! The acting is lackluster. Both Lucy Holt and Amy Shiels are lovely, but Shiels is too dull and Holt is too dramatic. I'm sure they are great actors, but this film was not a good showcase for them. The rest of the cast just fade into the background... the dull... boring background. The quality of this film reminds me of a Lifetime movie with just a little more gore. In other words, don't waste your time with this movie. People tried to warn me not to watch it, but I did, please learn from my mistake.


Well, thats it! Horrorfest 2009. There are two other movies, but after watching these, I don't think I'll be watching anymore. Not that some of them weren't good, it's just I've been warned not to see the other ones. I've heard they're boring. So thats it for me and Horrorfest 09, lets hope 2010 is better.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Little Odd...

Well, let me start off by saying that I am straight. True, I am a bit flamboyant... well... very actually, and I do talk funny and I have interest in weird things that normal men wouldn't ever think about, but I do like girls. I know! I know! I big loss for the gay men of the world! LOL! I was raised by women, and I've just never had an interest in sports or getting dirty. While normal boys would go outside and play baseball on Saturdays, I'd be at the mall shopping with my mom and grandmother. While some boys liked to decapitate Barbie dolls, I dressed them and had my own little soap opera. Don't get me wrong, I'd always play with G.I. Joe's too, but I always had to have a Barbie to go with them.

I told you all that to tell you this.

Yesterday, this guy whom I always joked around with, was sitting in the library with me. He was at the other computer. He asked me if I had a boyfriend, I didn't even know he was talking to me at first. Then he started talking to me about men and all this stuff. By the time he was finished, I was sooooo embarrassed! Had I done something to make him think I was interested in him? He's a really nice guy. Then he came over to me and slapped me on my cheek and asked me who my daddy was! I was so shocked! I didn't know what to say!

I don't have any problem with gay people at all. I have several gay friends and I love them to pieces, but then I found out this guy is married with children, and that I'm not the only one he flirts with, he also flirts with multiple girls. Soooo... yeah. This is so typically me! Weird stuff like this always happens to me! Today he grabbed me by the arm and tried talking to me some more, but I pulled away. I hate to embarrass him, or hurt he's feelings. So that's whats on my mind tonight. Thought I'd share that. I'm honestly stumped here. Maybe I'm making a mountain out of an ant hill.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happiness is....

Happiness is a Baskin Robins Double Scoop Brownie Sundae
Happiness is a hug from my Interior Design gals at school
Happiness is a night out with friends
Happiness is a Gwen Stefani album
Happiness is knowing that there is a woman out there for me to fall in love with
Happiness is a Cherry 7up and a Toblarone
Happiness is sitting in the student lounge with my friends watching Reggie play video games
Happiness is hanging out with my mentor and favorite artist Dana Leigh
Happiness is Halloween on a night when I don't have to get up the next morning
Happiness is the complete 3rd season of Charlie's Angels
Happiness is breakfast at Puffy Muffin
Happiness is dinner at J. Alexander's
Happiness is being alone in my thoughts
Happiness is watching my baby sister pretend to talk on the phone
Happiness is a patch of iris'
Happiness is my poodle Prissy
Happiness is shopping at Dillard's
Happiness is touring an historical site
Happiness is an afternoon at the Frist
Happiness is a crisp fall day
Happiness is snowflakes on my eyelashes
Happiness is clean sheets
Happiness is a long shower
Happiness is a picture that reminds you of better days
Happiness is the memory of my Great Grandmother
Happiness is the typeface Century Gothic
Happiness is a toy store
Happiness is Kleenex with lotion and aloe
Happiness is watching Will & Grace before I go to bed
Happiness is collecting anything that inspires me
Happiness is the Wizard of Oz birthday cake I had on my 10th birthday
Happiness is a pair of new shoes
Happiness is a new face cream
Happiness is the smell of baby shampoo
Happiness is a Britt class
Happiness is a pedicure
Happiness is a butterfly
Happiness is hanging out with my friends in the computer
Happiness is an old book store
Happiness is an I Dream of Jeannie marathon
Happiness is going out with Angie
Happiness is spending time with my grandparents

TV Shows I Love

I thought I'd make a list of current TV shows I can't get enough of. 

Desperate Housewives
desperate housewives Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes! I am one of those people who can't wait for Sunday nights to watch this show! I've watched it since the first episode, I have been hooked ever since. My favorite housewife? I'm glad you asked! It has to be Bree! She's beautiful, smart, sexy, and she knows how to use a gun!

Bree Van de Kamp Pictures, Images and Photos

Gabby is another one I love, but in my book, you can't beat Bree. Literally, you can't beat her, before you try she'll have a bullet in your head!

LOST Again! Pictures, Images and Photos

My mother got me hooked on this show! I'll get her back for it one day! The show is seriously INSANE! I was intrigued that Matthew Fox was in it. I had been watching Fox in this show called 'Haunted' which was soooo awesome! It was cancelled after 13 episodes, which sucks because it had awesome acting and a good story line going for it. Anyway, I share a love hate relationship with this show. I hate how it keeps changing on me! But I love how it keeps me on edge! 

Brothers & Sisters
brothers & sisters collage Pictures, Images and Photos

Although the show does constantly push it's political agenda on me, I can't help but love the relationship between the characters. Rebecca and Justin are just great together and I hate Ryan and Holly! I love the actress who plays Holly though! My favorite character on the show is Sarah! I love Sarah! I think she's hilarious, and she shows single women that there is life after 40 which I think is very important. I can't say that I like the direction the show is going, but I'll keep watching it for the warm feeling I get.

Days of Our Lives
Bricole and EJ Pictures, Images and Photos

I have been watching this show since I can remember. My grandmother would turn it on everyday and when she went to work, she had my grandfather tape it and we'd watch it together. I have come to know the characters as if they were real people. Rumor has it that the show will be canceled within a year. YIKES! I hope not!

Ghost Hunters
Ghost Hunters Pictures, Images and Photos

To say I'm a fan of this show would be an understatement! I LOVE this show! I've never been a big fan of reality TV, but this show it beyond reality, it's supernatural! BOO! I will hunt a ghost with this team one day, there is no doubt in my mind! 

Family Guy
Glenn quigmire Pictures, Images and Photos

This show is filthy, out of control and makes absolutely no sense... thats why I love it! It's one of my guilty pleasures! I get a Toblarone and a Cherry 7Up and watch it as much as I can! I think what draws me to the show more than anything is the fact that its sooo incredibly random! I love randomness! It's my favorite thing! Giggity, giggity!

Abby and Mcgee Pictures, Images and Photos

No they are nor CSI, not FBI either, though they get that a lot! They are an organization that deals with the US Navy. It sounds boring, but it's actually amazing! The chemistry between the actors is awesome and the story lines never get old! I never thought I'd like a CBS show, but I actually like this one! Surprise, surprise!

Grey's Anatomy
wedding Pictures, Images and Photos

I think it might be the relationship between the characters that draw me to this show. I'm not sure. I just like the unusual story lines and the way they write the characters is so original. Yeah, I like it. 

I Do Not Hook Up!

Ahhh! I love this new Kelly Clarkson song! I really like the message it's sending! It'll be her next hit!

Somewhere Over the Dark Side of the Moon.

Since I was little, I've always loved 'The Wizard of Oz.' To this day, I'm still inspired by it and I watch as many Judy Garland films as I can. I can't tell you when I first heard that 'Dark Side of the Moon' by Pink Floyd synced up with the movie, but a few weeks ago I was watching 'Family Guy' the one where Luke Perry guest starred. Him and Peter were talking about it:

Peter: Yeah, I'm telling you, 'Dark Side of the Moon' and 'The Wizard of Oz' totally sync up.
Luke Perry: Huh... Shannen Doherty told me that once, but I thought she was being a bitch. 

That was it! I went to a used CD store and bought the album, then I started playing them at the same time(I didn't even think about going on to YouTube and looking it up!). I was AMAZED! It totally syncs up! I heard that Pink Floyd claimed that it was a complete coincidence, but after seeing it for myself, there is just no way! I've never been a fan of Pink Floyd until now! I'm soooo downloading the CD onto my Ipod! 

jooty Pictures, Images and Photos

None of Judy Garland's fans were able to see the 'Dark Side' of her life. Beyond her bright face on the silver screen, she had a life with more twist and turns than the yellow brick road itself


Okay! I just realized that I soooo screwed up the post before last, my current obsessions post! I'm new at this blog thing. I'm just using this blog to get out what I'm thinking and feeling, I like writing in a journal, but as a graphic designer, I find myself at a computer more than in my cozy room with a pen and a leather bound journal(Which I do not own, but it sounds nice.). I'm putting this music video on this post because I noticed it didn't post right on my Obsessions post. This song means a lot to me right now so I hope you enjoy.

All the single ladies!

Okay peeps! Today is a great day to be single! Two of my best friends just broke up with their boyfriends, boyfriends who didn't appreciate them for the wonderful women they are. So I raise my glass to all the single ladies! Have fun and try(Though it may be impossible!) to find men who are worth your time. Live your life and don't let us men bring you down, I know I am ashamed of our sex. We men are idiots at time, some of us are MAJOR tools and MAJOR Jackasses, but just remember, there are some of us out there that are not like that. So ladies, don't turn into lesbians just yet! (JOKE!) LOL!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Current Obsessions

Here's a list of things that I can't get enough of:

Resident Evil

I've never been much of a gamer, but I've just gotten into Resident Evil! I love it! I haven't played the second or forth one yet because I hear Chris and Jill aren't in those. I really like those characters and the relationship between them.

Sarah Palin

I don't know why some people hate her, I think she's great. People who don't have any reason for disliking her call her a bitch, I hate that. I had high hopes for her as our Vice-President, oh well there's always 2012! *wink* Matt Damon made me soooooo incredibly angry when he went on national TV and slammed her like he did. He claimed she didn't have any experience, yet Obama, whom he supported, only had a couple of years in the senate while she had been in politics for more than 15 years or so. Sorry, I don't like getting into politics but I had to rant for a second.

The Killers

They rock! PERIOD. (Do you still have to put an actual period after you use the word 'period,' or should it just be an understood? I might have to Google that.)

Miranda Lambert

Sassy, pretty and talented! The only thing that would make her hotter is if she had a song about a woman defending herself against an abusive ex with a shotgun! Oh wait... she does!

Silent Hill 3 theme song "You're Not Here."

It's a happy song, yet kinda sad at the same time.

Pamela Des Barres' book "I'm With the Band: Confessions of a Groupie."

I just started reading it because I was in class the other day and my friends were talking about all these people like Mick Jagger and classic rock and rollers. I picked up this book to educate myself.

Matthew Fox

I think he's such a great actor! I love "LOST" but even before that I watched him on a show called "Haunted," does anyone remember that one? He was great in it. I also like how grounded he is. He's extremely devoted to his wife and children, he hasn't let Hollywood screw with him. He also keeps opinions and beliefs to himself which I think is great, he said in an interview that he didn't want to influence people by his beliefs. I think other people in Hollywood could follow his example.


Yeah, they pretty much are the bomb.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome to my Nation!

I guess it's more like my world! My own little world! I'm not sure what I'll use this blog for, I guess I'm just for incredibly random stuff. You never know what will come out of my mouth at any given moment. I'm going to The Art Institute right now to get my Bachelors in Graphic Design and I have soooo many projects coming up! Our first assignment was to make a poster out of type, but it couldn't be ACTUAL type. I had to make it by hand. We had to choose a weird festival and we have to make a poster and mail out for it. Ahhhh! I chose Frozen Dead Guy Days. Maybe I'll show a picture of the finished project when I'm done with it. Right now it's too hard to even try to explain! I bet you don't even understand anything I just wrote above do ya? NOPE! Welcome to my world! I always wonder what my own personal world would look like. Has anyone else ever thought about that or is it just me? I always think of that Avril Lavigne song, "My World" when I think of myself, because so many things in my head are like that. I get lost in my own thoughts and begin rambling. I bet I have a mental problem or something. Back on the topic...(If there ever really was a topic.)I don't know what my world would look like, I'm not sure, it's too much to think about right now. I'm going to pull a Scarlett O'Hara on you and just "Think about that tomorrow." Alrighty, I'm going to go and try to sleep.

Nighty Night!