Friday, May 22, 2009

While She Was Out

So! This Memorial Day, I've decided to rent movies! I know, I know, I rent movies every weekend, but I decided to rent some to celebrate Memorial Day... none of them have anything to do with Memorial Day, however, they are movies I have never seen, and I shall discuss them because this is my blog and I've decided to talk about it. So! First up is the movie While She Was Out.

Kim Basinger in While She Was Out

I was in a bookstore sipping a chocolate ice coffee drink, scanning the magazine section(Because lets face it the only reason to go to bookstores is the killer magazine section!), and I picked up the Fangoria magazine. I flipped through it and saw the article on this movie. It looked interesting enough, so I rented it at Hollywood.

The movie is about a suburban housewife named Della who has an extremely low self esteem and lets people just walk all over her. From the start of the movie we see that she's very sad and very unhappy, especially with her abusive husband. The only light in her life is her two children. On Christmas Eve she makes a last minute shopping trip to the mall to grab some wrapping paper. When she finds a car that has taken up two parking spaces (When she needs one.), she becomes extremely upset over this and leaves a note on the windshield of this car. Little does she know, the owners of this car are extremely dangerous. Soon Della finds herself fighting for her life, with nothing to defend herself but the contents of a toolbox.

Posted this just because I can't get enough Kim!

So! Here we go! Kim Basinger stars as Della and she's freggin awesome! People have been hating on this movie, claiming that it's not a 'real' horror film or a 'real' thriller. People have even made fun of Kim Basinger saying shes too old or whatever. Kim has starred in tons of movies, she even won an Oscar. She was kickass in this movie, her character goes through this incredible transformation, and Kim prooves she can still roll with the best of them.

Fear the toolbox!

Lakas Haas does a great job as a villain that we all just want to strangle. The rest of the cast just seems silly. They do a decent job, I'm not saying that they're horrible, I just think that they needed a little more time to get into their characters. Don't get me wrong, the guys who played the punks who are trying to kill Kim Basinger's character do their jobs by making me hate them.

Lukas Haas plays an ass in this movie!

In many ways, this movie is much more than just a horror/thriller, its about a woman learning how to stand up for herself. It also shows humanisim. This suburban, sophisticated, meek, all around sweetheart, transforms into this vicious animal trying to make it through a living nightmare.

Kim's abusive onscreen hubby

These four punks, pure street trash decide to terrorize this woman just because she decides to leave a note, calling them selfish for double parking in a mall parking lot on Christmas Eve! The busiest night for a mall! I don't know if any of you have tried to park at the mall on Christmas Eve, but just let me tell ya, it ain't easy! So for her to leave a little not on the windshild of a car who took up two parking spaces so carelessly made her my hero automatically!

Kim looks at the double parked car

Unfortunately for her, these people took it bad... very bad. She ends up running through a forest, trying to hide from them. She soon learns that hiding isn't going to help. She realizes she has to fight. One by one the punks begin to face her rath and it gets bloody.

In yo face punk!

The violence in this isn't too bad. There are a few moments that make you cringe, but not too much because it's mainly her doing the damage to the punks. She does it all with the contents of a red toolbox.

The punks are after her! But it's ok, she's got her toolbox!

All in all I really like this movie. It has a lot of great things going for it, so check it out if you get the chance. That concludes my first Memorial Day weekend film review. Not much of a review, just my thoughts on it. So until later!


The 'oh shit' moment

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