Thursday, April 30, 2009

7 Things About Me

1) I LOVE HALLOWEEN! It's my favorite holiday! I went to a strict Christian school who thought it was satan's holiday. So we couldn't dress up or mention it. That sucked. I'm so glad I'm out of that now though so I can party like a rockstar on Halloween! I mean, it's the most giving holiday of the year! You go up to complete stranger's houses and they give you treats! I swear that if I could, I'd still Trick r Treat, but there are just soooooo many uptight people out there who don't want to give candy to 20 year old. Booo to them! I should so egg there houses, but I'm not mean like that.

2) I collect unusual things. I might have to make another post to cover everything I collect. I collect tons of stuff. Cupcake toppers, rocks, dolls, witches, angels, old books, clocks, porcelain figures, Little People, Playmobil figures, coins, bottles, vintage magazines, rings, stuffed animals, rag dolls, German blown glass ornaments, nutcrackers, "Passions" memorabilia... the list just goes on and on!

3) I love snow! I think its so magical! One day it snowed while I was in high school. They closed down school(While we were still there) so parents could get to us and pick us up quickly before the roads got too bad. I just sat and watched it snow. The bullies at school made fun of me, but I ignored them, I didn't care, the snow was so beautiful.

4) I don't judge people. I might disagree with certain opinions, but I never judge anyone. I don't fell like it's my place. Who am I to judge someone else? I think fear of judgement holds people back tremendously. People won't talk about their feelings because they're afraid of being judged, I think keeping stuff inside can do more harm than good(On some occasions.). I never want my friends or family to feel like they're being judged by me. I want them to feel like they can talk to me about anything.

5) I'm messed up. I have issues, but who doesn't? I don't want to be a burden on ANYONE! That's one of my major deals. I don't want to make anyone feel like they need to do something for me or feel obligated.

6) Friends! I love friends! And not just the TV show(Although I do love that TV show!). I like to hang out with my friends, go out or stay in, it doesn't matter. I love being with friends. One of my favorite things to do is hang out in the student lounge and watch my friends play video games! Especially Reg! He kicks every one's butt constantly! I have awesome friends, friends whom I would bend over backwards for.

7) I really like smelling good. I mean, who doesn't? But when I smell good, and I know I smell good, it makes me feel happy! I'm so paranoid that I smell, even though I take a shower twice a day and moisturize. I also have colognes that I use. And I love gum, because breath is another thing I make sure of! I'd rather someone tell me my breath stinks than just grin and bare it, you know what I mean? If one of my friend's breath stinks I offer them some gum, and of course they'll take it, but I don't want them to be embarrassed.

That's it for now!
Luv ya!

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