Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST: Time to Let Go

Last night was the series finale of one of the most talked about and watched shows of the 21st century, LOST. I've been watching the show since it's premiere and have grown very attached to the characters. I laughed with (and sometime at) Hurley, I went back and forth between hate and love with Sawyer, I cried when Shannon died and felt hopeless and conflicted with Jack. I have spent 6 years with these characters and loved every minute of it up to the end.

The ending of LOST is synonymous with bittersweet. Yes, the characters all got what they wanted, but there was a catch. Throughout this last season there have been two realities happening at the same time. The reality where we have seen the characters off the Island has been nothing but a world they have created for each other, so they could find each other again.

Throughout the last half of the season, Desmond made it his personal mission to get all of his Island peeps together and to 'remember' what happened. Most of them, if not all, were completely reluctant to remember, but when they did. it was like something snapped and they knew what they had to do. They had to 'go' or 'leave'. I thought what they were talking about was going back to the freaking Island! I was gonna be pissed if they ended up on the Island and we would be left wondering if everything was going to start over again or what.

No, they weren't talking about going back to the Island, they were talking about moving on, leaving the make-believe place they were in for something real. In the reality they created, each of them got to fulfill their needs or got to accomplish something they weren't able to do in life.

Sawyer became a cop, in stark contrast to what he was, to seek justice for others due to his unjust treatment in life. Becoming a cop was almost like making up for all the bad he had done.

Kate's scenario was no different. She was still a fugitive on the run, but hope still glimmers for Kate. She took sympathy on Claire, a young pregnant girl who was confused and lonely. She put herself at risk for being caught again to help Claire out.

Hurley did what he always has done best, take care of other people, this time through multiple act of charity.

Jin and Sun lived in a reality where they were victims instead of Jin becoming a mafia man for Sun's father. They were good and pure in this reality.

Sayid became a loving uncle and cherished family member in his reality, but still felt shame over his past.

Desmond was successful and slick in the reality, but had nobody. He had Penny's father's approval, but not Penny. His life was far easier without her, but he realized that he didn't want it that way.

John was a broken man who had no hope. Much unlike the John we came to know in the beginning.

Finally there's Jack. My favorite scenario. He invented a reality where he was a single father. In his mind her created a son so he could be the father that he always wanted his father to be. It's touching and heartbreaking when Jack begins to realize that all that he knows isn't real. The part when I really began to bawl was when Kate and Jack were in the car, even thinking about it now make me tear up a little, and Kate tells him that they are all waiting for him whenever he's ready to leave.

Jack's finally coming to terms with his own death in the 'fake' reallity and coming to terms with himself dying in the real reality is heartbreaking but amazing at the same time. He enters a chapel where all of the people who were originally lost with him on the Island were there waiting for him. Even Shannon and Boone! I was so excited to see Shannon and Sayid together again, but I digress. They were waiting for him to let go, let go of all his battered dreams and conflictions. And he did.

Some people didn't understand the ending, but I can only explain it how I understood it. Thats what the creators wanted, they wanted you to figure it out for yourself. I think that everyone on the show died, but f course not at the same time. They all died and created a reality where they could find each other and touch each other again so they could move on to heaven or paradise, whatever you want to think.

Major questions were left unanswered, but in the long run the viewer needs to be left to know that it's not important to the story. What it's about is the people. These people who had nothing found each other and learned to live together not die alone. In the end they were together and thats how it should have been.

It was touching and heartfelt. All in all I think the series finale of LOST was a love letter to the fans. The fans who have been there with these extrodinary characters through their tears and triumph.

I hope all of these talented actors get a chance to do more roles, I wish them nothing but the best.

There's nothing left to say. It's time to let go.

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